Before doing Protest against MCC, Please be aware about the difference between Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and INDO-PACIFIC Strategy.

Please be aware about the future impacts after demolishing or raising this corporation on Nepal.

Points to be noted :
• There is ongoing rumor in Nepal that MCC is a part of INDO-PACIFIC Strategy and Military Components is mentioned in agreement. But It’s false, there is no any phase in MCC contract paper where US military components are described. 
• Both foreign policies (MCC and IPS) are originated from USA. But they are completely a different subjects neither they have relation between each other. There contract papers are completely different.
• MCC can be wealthy on economic perspective for Nepal. But It has diplomatic perspective also. International political relationships between Nepal-China, Nepal-India and other friendly countries surely gets impacted from this MCC.
• USA is one of the largest bilateral donor country for Nepal. They do have a vital role for our country’s economical development, security, peace, prosperity & financial aids. Relations between the two countries have always been friendly. But What will be the future impact if we SAY NO TO MCC ? This is a very serious point that we need to think about it.
• China is the second largest source of foreign tourists to Nepal. China is the largest source of Foreign Direct Investment in Nepal. China is the second largest trading partner of Nepal. In case (Nepal signs MCC contract), China might be unsupportive to Nepal as we all know these two giants are like two sides of the world. We are highly based upon our neighbor country like China in terms of trading and tourism. And If we SAY YES TO MCC, What will be our relationships with CHINA after that ? 

Therefore, Nepal Government should be highly concerned about the US military components before signing this contract. The point which defines “MCC Contract will be superior to Nepal Constitution “ must get erased or rectified. MCC contract must not diminish diplomatic relations between China and Nepal. If these issues get figured out then I AM WITH MCC. 

Jay Nepal 🇳🇵

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