Class 11 - Computer Science || Chapterwise Past Questions Collection





Short Answer Questions

1. Why computer is known as versatile and diligent device? Explain. [HSEB 2069]

2. What are the application areas of computer? Explain in brief. [HSEB 2067]

3. Why is Charles Babbage known as ‘Father of the Computer’? [HSEB 2062]

4. Describe at least five ways in which information technology can help students studying subjects other than computing. [HSEB 2062]

5. Write brief note on the achievement of the following computer scientist: 

Howard Aiken [HSEB 2062]

6. Explain the evolution of computer describing the technologies used in different generations.  [HSEB 2059]

7. What do you mean by generation of computer? Explain the characteristics of third generation of computers. [HSEB 2061]

8. Compare and contrast between first and second generation of computers. [HSEB 2011]

9. Differentiate between second and third generation of computer. [HSEB 2070]

10. What is generation of computer? Describe the third generation of computer. [HSEB 2070]

11. Describe the major characteristics of fourth generation of computers. [HSEB 2064/2070/2071]

12. Explain the technologies used in different generation of computer. [HSEB 2069]

13. Compare the distinctions between third and fourth generations of computer. [HSEB 2060/2071]

14.How do you measure the speed and storage capacity of computer? Explain. [HSEB 2073]

15. Write short notes on: [HSEB 2064]

(a) Charles Babbage

Long Answer Questions

1. What are the application areas of computer? Explain in detail. [HSEB 2065]

2. Discuss about how the development of the PCs (personal Computers) has extended the use of computer at present days. [HSEB 2058]

3. Explain the different generation of computers.[HSEB 2065, 2066]

4. What do you mean by generation of computer? Explain the technology used in different generation of computer. [HSEB 2067]

5. Explain any five fields of usage of computer in present days. [HSEB 2069]

UNIT – 2


Short Answer Questions

1. Compare and contrast Analogue and Digital computers with appropriate examples. [HSEB 2057]

2. Differentiate between analog and digital computer. [HSEB 2060, 2065, 2069, 2070]

3. What are super computers? Explain their application in real life situation. [HSEB 2061, 2067]

4. Describe the application area of super computer. [HSEB 2070]

5. Describe the major features of super computer. [HSEB 2071]

6. Describe the Mainframe computer in detail. [HSEB 2070]

7. Compare mini and mainframe computers in terms of speed, memory and storage. [HSEB 2062, 2064, 2066]

8. Differentiate between Mini and Mainframe computer. [HSEB 2071]

9. Classify the computers on the basis of size. [HSEB 2069] 

10. What is mobile computing? Explain. [HSEB 2069]

11. List out the major features of mobile computing. [HSEB 2069/ 2070, 2071] 

12. Explain the advantages of mobile computing. [HSEB 2070] 

13. Explain the importance of mobile computing. [HSEB 2070, 2071] 

14. Write short notes on:

(a) Microcomputer [HSEB 2058, 2062] 

(b) Super Computer [HSEB 2058] 

(c) Analog Computer [HSEB 2062] 

(d) IBM PC and IBM Compatibles [HSEB 2063]

(e) Digital Computers [HSEB 2063]

UNIT – 3


Short Answer Questions

1. Define base or radix of number system. Convert (11011.011)2 into decimal number.[HSEB 2062]

2. What is binary number system? Convert (520)10 into base 16. [HSEB 2060]

3. Convert (1101111101)2 binary number into octal number. [HSEB 2069]

4. What is number system? Convert (567)8 octal number into hexadecimal number. [HSEB 2070]

5. What is binary number? Convert (1111111)2 binary number into octal number. [HSEB 2070]

6. What is octal number system? Convert (356)10 into base 8. [HSEB 2059]

7. What is octal number system? Convert (456)8 octal number into base 2 number system. [HSEB 2067]

8. Convert 333 denary number into Hexadecimal number and back to base two number system. [HSEB 2057]

9. What is octal number system? Convert (BAC)16 hexadecimal into binary number system. [HSEB 2070]

10. Convert (5634)8 octal number into binary number. [HSEB 2069]

11. What is hexadecimal number system. Convert (111011)2 into base 16. [HSEB 2061]

12. What is hexadecimal number system? Convert (B8C)16 Hexadecimal number into base 8 number system. [HSEB 2067]

13. Subtract (1100)2 from (1111)2 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2069]

14. Subtract (1010)2 from (1011)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2069]

15. Subtract (1000)2 from (1111)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2070]

16. Subtract (11111)2 from (11000)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2070]

17. Subtract (111)2 from (1000)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2070]

18. Subtract (10001)2 from (11011)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2071]

19. What is number system? Convert (ABCD)16hexadecimal number into octal number system. [HSEB 2071]

20. Subtract (11001)2 from (11101)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method. [HSEB 2071]

21. Convert the following numbers according to the instruction given.

(a) (240)10 into Octal number [HSEB 2058]

(b) (ABC)16 into Binary number [HSEB 2058]

(c) (A5B)16 into decimal number [HSEB 2062]

(d) (637)10 into Hexadecimal [HSEB 2063]

(e) (BBA)16 into binary [HSEB 2064]

(f) (BCA)16 into base 8 number system [HSEB 2065]

(g) (BEEF)16 into binary [HSEB 2066]



Short Answer Questions

1. Define Boolean functions. Construct truth for AND operation of Boolean algebra. [HSEB 2057]

2. Construct the truth table of the ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ operation of Boolean algebra. [HSEB 2058]

3. Write truth table for NAND operation of Boolean algebra. [HSEB 2059,2061, 2066]

4. Write the truth table of NOR operation of Boolean algebra. [HSEB 2060, 2063]

5. What are logical gates? Draw symbols for ‘AND’ and ‘NOT’ gates. [HSEB 2062]

6. Construct the truth table of XOR and XNOR operations of Boolean algebra. [HSEB 2064]

7. What are logical gates? Differentiate between ‘NAND’ and ‘NOR’ gate with truth table. [HSEB 2065, 67, 69]

Long Answer Questions

1. What is Boolean algebra? Describe AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate and NAND gate with gate symbol and truth table. [HSEB 2069]

2. Describe any five logic gates with Truth Table and gate symbol. [HSEB 2070, 2071]

3. Describe any five logic gates with Truth Table. [HSEB 2070]

4. What is a logic gate? Describe any four gates with Truth Table and gate symbol. [HSEB 2070, 2071]

UNIT – 5


Short Answer Questions

1. Distinguish among the terms, ‘hardware’, ‘software’ and ‘firmware’. [HSEB 2059, 2063]

2. Explain the function of CPU. [HSEB 2064]

3. Explain the work done by control unit and ALU of the computer. [HSEB 2062]

4. What is memory? Differentiate between primary and secondary memory. Why hard disk is popular than floppy disk? Explain. [HSEB 2064]

5. What is memory? Differentiate between primary and second memory. [HSEB 2066, 2070, 2071]

6. What is the importance of primary and secondary memory in a computer system? [HSEB 2058]

7. What is memory? Explain main memory and secondary memory. [HSEB 2065]

8. What are the main types of memory in a computer and explain how do they differ from one another? [HSEB 2062]

9. Explain the role of memory in a computer and differentiate between main memory and auxiliary storage. [HSEB 2063]

10. What do you mean by ‘Volatility”? Explain RAM and ROM with the concept and term. [HSEB 2059]

11. Differentiate between RAM and ROM. [HSEB 2067] 

12. What do you understand by storage media? Why is CD-ROM more reliable than floppy disk? [HSEB 2057]

13. What is a cache memory? Why is it useful in computer system? What do you mean by data sequencing? Differentiate between random access and sequential access. [HSEB 2061]

14. What are the computer peripherals? Differentiate between sequential and random access storage media. [HSEB 2062]

15. Explain briefly the functions of input unit and control unit of a computer. [HSEB 2063]

16. What is the role of input and output devices in a computer system? Name some of the input and output devices used with computers and explain two of them. [HSEB 2062]

17. Write short notes on touch pads and light pens. [HSEB 2060]

18. What is printer? Differentiate between softcopy and hardcopy output. [HSEB 2066]

19. What is output device? Differentiate between softcopy and hardcopy output. [HSEB 2064]

20. Differentiate between Impact printer and Non-impact printer. [HSEB 2062, 63, 65, 67, 70]

21. What is an output? Distinguish between CRT monitor and LCD monitor. [HSEB 2067]

22. What is a BUS in computer architecture?[HSEB 2059, 2066]

23. What do you understand by computer software? Name various categories of them, giving at least one example of each. [HSEB 2062]

24. What do you mean by system software and application software? [HSEB 2064]

25. Define software. Explain the different types of software in detail. [HSEB 2064]

26. Describe the differences between serial and parallel interfaces. [HSEB 2061]

27. Describe different types of software. [HSEB 2070]

28. Describe the Impact Printers with examples. [HSEB 2071]

29. Describe different types of software. [HSEB 2071]

30. List out the functions of CPU. [HSEB 2071]

31. Write short notes on:

(a) MICR [HSEB 2064/2071]

(b) Joystick [HSEB 2066/2070]

(c) Scanner [HSEB 2065/2070]

(d) Light pen [HSEB 2065]

(e) OCR [HSEB 2071]

(f) Touch Screen [HSEB 2060]

(g) Compiler versus Interpreter [HSEB 2067]

(h) Cache Memory [HSEB 2067]

(i) Laser printer [HSEB 2064, 2065]

(j) Modem [HSEB 2066]

Long Answer Questions

1. What do you mean by computer architecture? Describe each functional components of computer architecture with typical diagram. [HSEB 2061]

2. With the logical structural diagram explain functions of elements of a computer system. [HSEB 2059]

3. Show with reference to a block diagram the structure of a digital computer system and the inter-connection of various units. Explain the functions of various units briefly. [HSEB 2060]

4. Discuss the term computer architecture. Draw block diagram and explain the main components of a computer system. [HSEB 2061]

6. Define computer architecture? Draw a block diagram of computer system along with logical connections. Explain each block in detail. [HSEB 2067]

6. Explain the components of computer system with block diagram. [HSEB 2065, 2066]

7. Define the term computer peripheral. Discuss about different types of printers with their merits and demerits. [HSEB 2058]

8. What is CPU? Explain the major units of CPU. [HSEB 2070]

9. What is computer architecture? Describe different units of computer system. [HSEB 2071]

10. What is memory? Describe the types of memory. [HSEB 2071]



Short Answer Questions 

1. Define an operating system. What is its purpose? List the functions. [HSEB 2062]

2. Discuss about the advantages of GUI operating system (MS Windows) over text based operating system (DOS). [HSEB 2058]

3. Describe and differentiate between GUI (Graphical User Interface) and CLI (Command Line interface). [HSEB 2062]

4. What is operating system? Why GUI operating system is more popular than text based operating system? Justify clearly. [HSEB 2060, 2063, 2065]

5. Explain the importance of an operating system. Differentiate between GUI and CUI operating systems with examples. [HSEB 2064]

6. Distinguish between on-line and real time processing? What application would you suggest appropriate for the real time processing? [HSEB 2057]

7. Explain the term hardware interrupts and software interrupts. [HSEB 2060]

8. Describe the terms spooling and buffering.[HSEB 2060]

9. What do you mean by ‘Virtual memory’? How does it differ from the ‘main memory’ and ‘secondary memory’? Discuss. [HSEB 2061]

10. What is booting? Describe the types of computer booting. [HSEB 2071]

11. Write short notes on:

(a) Computer booting [HSEB 2071]

Long Answer Questions

1. What is an operating system? Explain its major functions. [HSEB 2061, 2065, 2066, 2070]

2. “An operating system is an interface between human operators and application software”. Justify the statement with examples of operating system knows to you. [HSEB 2057]

3. What is an operating system? Explain the different types of operating system with suitable examples. [HSEB 2067]

4. What is an Operating System? Describe GUI and CUI based operating systems with merits and demerits. [HSEB 2071]

5. What is an operating system? Describe the types of operating system. [HSEB 2071]

UNIT – 7


Short Answer Questions

1. What are the characteristics necessary for programming to be considered as a high level language? [HSEB 2062]

2. What do you mean by 4GL? Give examples. [HSEB 2057]

3. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter. [HSEB 2063, 70, 71]

4. Distinguish the terms 'Operation’, ‘Operator’, and 'Operand’ with examples. [HSEB 2059]

5. What are the two types of programming errors? How are they detected? [HSEB 2060]

6. Explain the types of programming errors with examples. [HSEB 2069]

7. What are programming errors? Explain. [HSEB 2069]

8. ‘Logical errors are difficult to find than the syntax errors’. Justify. [HSEB 2069]

9. What are the logical errors in a program? Why they are more difficult to detect? [HSEB 2062]

10. Differentiate between logical errors and syntax error with examples? [HSEB 2070]

11. What is program debugging? Differentiate between ‘syntax error’ and ‘logical error’. [HSEB 2061]

12. Draw a flowchart to test the condition ‘it-then-else’ in program design process. [HSEB 2059]

13. Explain the differences between the syntax and semantics. [HSEB 2059]

14. What is program logic? What are the symbols used to draw the flowchart? [HSEB 2060]

15. Draw the diagram showing semantics of case statement and syntax in structure English. [HSEB 2057]

16. What is flowchart? Write the advantages of drawing flowcharts. [HSEB 2058]

17. What is flowchart? List different figures used while drawing flowcharts. [HSEB 2062]

18. What is flowchart? Differentiate between program flowchart and System flowchart. [HSEB 2061]

19. Define flowchart and algorithms with examples. [HSEB 2063]

20. What is an algorithm? Explain the advantage of algorithm. [HSEB 2064]

21. Describe algorithm and flowchart with examples. [HSEB 2070, 2071]

22. What is programming? Differentiate between flowchart and algorithms with suitable examples. [HSEB 2065. 2067]

23. Describe and distinguish between algorithm and pseudo code? Give example in each case. [HSEB 2062]

24. Differentiate between:

(a) Flowchart and algorithm [HSEB 2066]

25. What is an algorithm? Write an algorithm to compute the sales person’s commission based on a sales volume shows below: [HSEB 2062]

Sales Amount                Commission (% of sales)

(a) Under Rs. 500/-                                    2%

(b) Rs. 500 or more but

 under Rs. 5000                                          5%

(c) Rs. 5000 and above                            10%

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain different types of programming language with their merits and demerits. [HSEB 2070]

2. What is programming language? Explain different types of programming languages. [HSEB 2069]

3. What are the program design tools? Describe different types of program design tools with merits and demerits. [HSEB 2070]

4. Describe different types of programming design tools with Truth Table. [HSEB 2071]

5. Describe different types of language processors with examples. [HSEB 2071]

6. What do you mean by programming? Why translator is necessary in programming? Differentiate between compiler and interpreter with suitable examples. [HSEB 2067]

7. What is programming? Differentiate between compiler and interpreter. [HSEB 2069]

8. What is programming? Describe the types of programming languages with appropriate examples. [HSEB 2070]

UNIT – 8


Short Answers Questions

1. What is a spreadsheet package? State the advantages of spreadsheet package. [HSEB 2064]

2. Explain the main features of spread sheet package. [HSEB 2069, 2070]

3. Explain briefly about the cell referencing in spread sheet package. [HSEB 2063]

4. What is an application program? List the major features of spread-sheet. [HSEB 2071]

UNIT – 9


Short Answer Questions

1. What is Internet? List the major uses of Internet. [HSEB 2071]

2. What is search engine? List out the major uses of internet. [HSEB 2070]

3. Write short notes on:

(a) Uses of Internet [HSEB 2071]

UNIT – 10


Short Answer Questions

1. What is HTML? Describe the major features of HTML. [HSEB 2071]

2. List out the advantages and disadvantages of HTML. [HSEB 2070]

3. List out the advantages and uses of HTML. [HSEB 2071]


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